Metro Moment - The Metrosexual Vignette for the Unwashed Masses

Faster than a speeding laxative, more powerful than a breath mint, able to wax unibrows in a single bound! It's MetroMan! Stop in for a metrosexual vignette of grooming and guidance helping you on your way to keep you sexy, chic, fab, neat, and presentable!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Metro Moment 0045: Fly the Friendly Skies

I'm heading to Hollywierd and you're getting the benefit! That's right, all the airline etiquette tips you could ever hope for, right here on the Metro Moment!

Hey! We've got a sponsor - it's Wendy Dennull, VP at Arbonne! Contact her. Do it! wpdennull [at]

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Contact info:
e-mail: phillymac [at]
voicemail: 206-202-W00T (9008)
Skype, AIM/iChat, Yahoo!: PalmMagnate

Peace out!


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