Metro Moment - The Metrosexual Vignette for the Unwashed Masses

Faster than a speeding laxative, more powerful than a breath mint, able to wax unibrows in a single bound! It's MetroMan! Stop in for a metrosexual vignette of grooming and guidance helping you on your way to keep you sexy, chic, fab, neat, and presentable!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Metro Moment Podcast 0030: A Close Shave. Maybe.

Well, this podcast and the next couple have all been motivated by one e-mail. Imagine what you can do with a voicemail!

This is the start of our series on shaving, and in this episode we start by answering Neil's questions.

Vote for us at: Podcast Alley
Contact info:
e-mail: phillymac [at]
voicemail: 206-202-W00T

Peace out!


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