Metro Moment - The Metrosexual Vignette for the Unwashed Masses

Faster than a speeding laxative, more powerful than a breath mint, able to wax unibrows in a single bound! It's MetroMan! Stop in for a metrosexual vignette of grooming and guidance helping you on your way to keep you sexy, chic, fab, neat, and presentable!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Metro Moment 0052: Star Secrets Part #1

Hey peeps! More good stuff coming at you! I know you want to look fantastic, so I'm giving you all the beauty secrets of the stars! Here's the first installment, use wisely and LOOK fabulous!

Hey! We've got a sponsor - it's Wendy Dennull, VP at Arbonne! Contact her. Do it! wpdennull [at]

Vote for us at: Podcast Alley
Contact info:
e-mail: phillymac [at]
voicemail: 206-202-W00T (9008)
Skype, AIM/iChat, Yahoo!: PalmMagnate

Peace out!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I don't know if you'll see this in your aggregators, but I'm letting you know that there's stuff coming in the pipe for all you faithful listeners! And, how about if you let me know if you'd be interested in some interviews too?

Send e-mail to or give me a yell on the W00T! line 206-202-9008.


Friday, July 07, 2006

Metro Moment 0051: Fake that Sexy Tan - Part Tres!

Hey peeps! Here it is, part three of the fake that sexy tan. You want to look fabulous - here's the closer baby. Enjoy the heck out of it. :-)

Hey! We've got a sponsor - it's Wendy Dennull, VP at Arbonne! Contact her. Do it! wpdennull [at]

Vote for us at: Podcast Alley
Contact info:
e-mail: phillymac [at]
voicemail: 206-202-W00T (9008)
Skype, AIM/iChat, Yahoo!: PalmMagnate

Peace out!